No impact man lecture

Yesterday, I attended a lecture by Colin Beavan, the author of No Impact Man: The Adventure of a Liberal Who Attempts to Save the Planet and the Discoveries He Makes about Himself and Our Way of Life in the Process at Illinois Wesleyan.   In the book, he describes his experimental project where he and his family tried

What “quiet students” have to say

What is going on in the minds of the “silent majority” of students who rarely (if ever) ask questions or contribute to class discussions? If you’ve wondered as I have, you would be interested in this article summarizing some of the author’s findings in her study of “quiet students.” Her intellectual journey begins with a

Welcome to the CTLT blog!

If you want to stay better informed about teaching-related topics, then we hope that this blog will become a valuable resource. CTLT’s program staff will be posting here regularly (at least twice a week) on a wide range of topics related to teaching and learning. Our intent is to provide an easy and interesting way