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Redbird Scholar fall 2015 female biologist pulling a turtle out of the water cover textless
Emerging secret: Do turtles have an edge when it comes to climate change? An ISU student is researching red-eared sliders to find the answer.

Volume 1 • Number 1 • Fall 2015

student researching turtles climate change

‘Hot Babes, Cool Dudes’ phenomenon may help turtles adapt to climate change

National Science Foundation Fellow Amanda Carter researches ‘Hot Babes, Cool Dudes,’ a phenomenon that may help turtles adapt to climate change.

Elaine Hardy in gym

Race plays role in how much someone exercises

Elaine Hardy, an African-American woman herself, has been researching whether racial identity is a predictor of physical activity in midlife black women.

illustation of farmers microinsurance

Insurance insures prosperity: ISU researchers work to protect Ghanaian farmers

Katie School of Insurance and Financial Services faculty and students are working to create microinsurance products (low-cost insurance designed for individuals with low incomes) that would provide support and peace of mind for Ghanaian farmers.

School of Art Professor James Mai

Balance: Math and nature intersect in Professor James Mai’s art

Illinois State Art Professor James Mai has spent the last 30 years creating abstract paintings that attempt to emulate the order and interrelatedness he sees in nature.

Mathew Sheep

Q&A with Professor Mathew Sheep: Why didn’t Episcopal Church split after election of gay bishop?

The 2003 election of Rev. Gene Robinson as the Episcopal Church’s first openly gay bishop set off an internal debate that led a number of members within several conservative dioceses and parishes to leave the church.

E-government researchers Arafat Kabir and Professor Michaelene Cox

ISU professor, student team to research e-government

Arafat Kabir, a master’s student majoring in politics and culture, and Michaelene Cox, M.A. ’11, an associate professor in the Department of Politics and Government, teamed up to better understand research trends in e-government.

image of john baur

Letter from AVP: Introducing Redbird Scholar

This inaugural issue of Redbird Scholar is our first step in revealing the secrets that are research and graduate studies at Illinois State.

ask an expert planet ceres two lights

Ask an Expert: Questions answered on planet Ceres, Cubs, tickling

Have you ever had a question even the Internet couldn’t answer? Some members of the Illinois State University community did. And we put Illinois State University’s faculty experts to work answering their inquiries.

Redbird media Hartman book cover

Redbird media: Books and recordings by ISU scholars

The following is a list of books and audio and video recordings released by Illinois State University faculty in the second half of 2014 and the first half of 2015:

EL VISTA will serve some of the state's most vulnerable and underserved populations: Infants and toddlers with low vision, blindness, or deafblindness.

Grants support services for blind children, other research projects

Illinois State faculty brought in more than $18 million in grant funding in fiscal 2015. Here are a few research projects that would not be possible without this support.