Dr. T.Y. Wang publishes on US policy toward Taiwan

Professor T.Y. Wang

Dr. T.Y. Wang, University Professor and Chair of the Department of Politics and Government, published a co-authored paper entitled “‘Strategic Clarity and Taiwanese Citizens’ Confidence in the US Security Commitment.”

Ambassador Geeta Pasi delivers Donald F. McHenry Public Lecture

Three people standing together

Retired Ambassador Geeta Pasi, the inaugural Donald F. McHenry Visiting Professor in Diplomacy and International Affairs, opened her November 13 lecture, “Representing America Abroad: Telling our story, advancing American interests, and serving Americans,” with a vivid description about her work as the head of the Afghanistan Desk at the State Department on September 11, 2001.

Riaz quoted in German and Swiss media

photo of Ali Riaz

Distinguished Professor Ali Riaz has been quoted in the German newspaper Die Tageszeitung (TAZ) and the Swiss newsweekly Die WochenZeitung (WoZ) on Bangladeshi politics and the ongoing protests by the textile workers.