Study abroad in Angers, France

For students interested in studying international agriculture, agribusiness, or horticulture, the Department of Agriculture offers a four week study abroad program in Angers, France.

Illinois State students explore France’s food, farming during summer trip

Four Illinois State University students participated this summer in an educational trip to France: Nancy Adams (left), Katrina Schreiner, Melanie Krawczyk, and Melissa Nicole Dickey.

Three students from the Department of Agriculture–Melanie Krawczyk, Katrina Schreiner, and Nancy Adams–and one student majori in international business, Melissa Nicole Dickey, spent a month exploring France this summer with 30 other students from various universities as part of the 2013 ESA (Ecole SupĂ©rieure d’Agriculture) Summer Program “From the Farm to the Table … a Sustainable Food System.”