Dr. Ali Riaz interviewed by WGLT

Ali Riaz speaking at a microphone

Distinguished Professor Dr. Ali Riaz was interviewed by WGLT Radio on his recent co-authored book, How Autocrats Rise: Sequences of Democratic Backsliding.

Thank you, Dr. Monica Noraian

Schroeder Hall at spring time.

After 26 years in the history-social sciences education program, the Department of History is saying farewell to Dr. Monica Noraian.

Dr. Howard Rambsy II to speak at Third Annual COBAS Workshop at Illinois State University 

Dr. Howard Rambsy, II - man wearing glasses and a gray blazer over a coral shirt stands in a room filled with bookshelves and historical posters, including an image of Frederick Douglass.

The Latin American and Latina/o Studies Program is thrilled to announce the Third Annual Community of Belonging and Success (COBAS) Workshop, focusing on the recruitment, retention, and degree completion of first-generation students. This year, the keynote speaker is Dr. Howard Rambsy II, a renowned research professor from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. His presentation, “Safe & Salient Spaces: The Importance of Enriched Environments for Underrepresented Students,” will delve into the successful strategies employed in his courses for first-year Black men and women, emphasizing the creation of supportive and empowering educational environments. Join us on Thursday, May 23, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Jaime Escalante Conference Room.

Civil Service May Spotlight: Julie Neville

Julie Neville with archived materials

The Civil Service Council will feature a Civil Service employee at Illinois State University each month to highlight an exceptional colleague and the outstanding work being done on campus. This month, learn about and applaud Senior Archives Specialist Julie Neville.