Recent developments in open access

Open Access symbol

Open access is a goal, not a methodology, and publishers, authors, readers, and funding institutions all continue to explore various options to offer creators that can remove barriers to accessing their works.

March 1-5 is Open Education Week

photo of the Reggie Statue at Redbird Plaza with trees and leaves in the background

This annual event celebrates the efforts of educators and other stakeholders who are making and sharing quality course materials that are free for students. Milner librarians are available to help faculty who want to incorporate open educational resources and more affordable course materials in their classes.

Noted scholar to give virtual talk on racism in search engines

Dr. Safiya Umoja Noble

Best-selling author and associate professor Dr. Safiya Noble will give a virtual talk titled Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism at 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 21, over Zoom. Noble’s talk will be a part of Open Access Week 2020 activities held by Milner Library.

First Wonsook Kim School of Art Theses added to ISU ReD

Wonsook Kim, Children’s Room II, 2011

Each thesis published in ISU ReD includes the name of the school granting the degree, and now every School of Art thesis published will include this statement: “Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Fine Arts [from the] Wonsook Kim School of Art.”