CJS senior chosen for Model UN

image of Kaitlyn Goodrum

Senior criminal justice sciences major and politics and government minor Kaitlyn Goodrum will be part of Illinois State’s Model UN.

IT students attend GoSecure Seminar

Students at IT event

On October 20, students from the Information Technology (IT) Themed Learning-Living Community (TLLC) (Hewitt Hall’s 17th floor) traveled to East Peoria to attend the CIAN GoSecure Seminar on network and information security.

Spring Break 2016: Panama

The Latin American and Latino Studies Program is pleased to share an upcoming study abroad opportunity to Panama.

Recreation and park program earns recognition

Faculty and students in recreation and park administration (RPA) received many accolades at last month’s National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) annual conference in Las Vegas.

ISU Professors selected for HERS Leadership Institute

Illinois State University Professors Diane Dean and Ani Yazedjian have been selected as participants in the 2015-2016 HERS (Higher Education Resource Services) Wellesley Institute for developing women leaders in higher education.