International Studies office relocating

This month, the Office of International Studies and Programs starts its relocation from the third floor of Fell Hall to its new home on the second floor of Fell Hall.

20 years of MHSSAA

image of MHSSAA

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Minority High School Scholars Actuarial Academy (MHSSAA), the oldest continuous academy in the nation to introduce the actuarial profession to mathematically talented high school students from underrepresented groups.

New book explores assault on communities of color

image of book cover for The Assault on Communities of Color: Exploring the Realities of Race-Based Violence

Nicholas Hartlep is co-editor of a new book, The Assault on Communities of Color: Exploring the Realities of Race-Based Violence. The collection of essays from leading scholars across the nation offers a platform for voices of a new movement forming in the wake of race-based violence.