Naperville native garners California Teacher of the Year honors

Laughlin and her students work on a reading lesson at Hansen School in Orange County.

The line “I’m moving out to California to establish my career” is not often reserved for new teachers from Illinois. But Naperville native Amy (Brophy) Laughlin ’98 found herself sharing that exact news with her parents after attending the University’s annual education career fair.

Bringing it to the field

Tyler Lovgren in game action. There are over 50 Illinois State education majors involved in university athletics.

While completing one of the most difficult, time-intensive undergraduate programs offered on campus, Lovgren met each and every obligation set forth by his major and his team. He pulled 12-, 13-, and 14-hour days without complaint. And he did so while transitioning between a professional, reserved academic setting to the grueling environment that is division I football.

Commencement: Your best tweets, posts, and photos

Student is hooded

Throughout the weekend, our newest alumni and their families and friends were sharing celebratory photos, tweets, videos, and posts on social media, all using the official commencement hashtag #RedbirdProud.