Time and again, Veronique Parmenter has seen Illinois State University’s Alternative Breaks program light a fire in the hearts of students and give them a desire to make a difference in the world.
Topic: Civic Engagement
Claire Meyer’s spirit leads her to McLean County Full Tuition Scholarship
Claire Meyer is excited to be a Redbird. And that spirit helped her co-found an organization that gave back to the local community.
Professor organizes Normal Theater performance to shine light on domestic violence
“Survivors: Stories of Domestic Violence” will be performed at 7 p.m. Monday, September 30, at the Normal Theater.
New fee structure makes Alternative Breaks trips accessible to more students
A new fee structure is being implemented for the Alternative Breaks program to provide access for students who otherwise might not be able to participate in the program’s impactful service learning experiences.
Meet the first-ever McLean County Full Tuition Scholarship winners
What does it mean to be a Redbird? It starts with Illinois State University’s core values, and a group of seven freshmen is being recognized for embracing those values before even arriving on campus.
STEP-UP celebrates 10 years of connections with urban communities
The Summer Teacher Education Partnership for Urban Preparation program (STEP-UP) is celebrating 10 years of helping immerse students in the neighborhoods where they teach.
Civic engagement: Redbirds strong advocates for higher education
Thanks to dedicated students and alumni, citizens of the state continue to hear about the need to support higher education in Illinois.
Volunteer with the Alternative Spring Break program
Rebecca Vondriska discussed her experience with Illinois State University’s Alternative Breaks program, which gives students the opportunity to volunteer their time to enact social change by helping to meet tangible needs in other communities.
Returned Peace Corps volunteers ready for grad school
The Stevenson Center’s newest Peace Corps Fellows are arriving on campus. These students will pursue master’s degrees in anthropology, applied economics, kinesiology and recreation, political science, or sociology, with an emphasis on community and economic development. Two of the incoming Peace Corps Fellows bring unique experiences to Illinois State.
Partner Perspectives: ISU and IWU students build homes with Habitat
Ongoing partnerships among student collegiate chapters of Habitat for Humanity and the county chapter have resulted in over two dozen new homes for local families.