Finding opportunities for positive interactions is key to the relationship, said University Chief of Police Aaron Woodruff.
Topic: Diversity
SCS affirms all genders
Student Counseling Services (SCS) strives to be welcoming to all students and has been working diligently the last few years to provide inclusive services for any trans* and gender nonconforming students that may want to seek counseling.
Safe Zone training with Diversity Advocacy, April 7
A Safe Zone training session will be from 1-3 p.m. Thursday, March 2, in the Student Services Building. Registration is required.
Redbird Respect: Trans* Awareness and Understanding Gender
Every year, March 31 is acknowledged as Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV), a day to show support for the trans* community and bring attention to the accomplishments of trans* people around the globe.
Asian Film Festival highlights ‘Coming of Age’ April 12, 15
Celebrating Asian-American Heritage Month, the Asian Film Festival will showcase four globally lauded movies from Iran, Thailand, Japan, and Vietnam.
Returned Peace Corps Volunteers visit for Peace Corps Week 2017
Fifteen Returned Peace Corps Volunteers from around the world shared experiences with students during Peace Corps Week.
MASAI program relaunched, seeks student mentors
The Mentoring, Academics, Scholarship, and Achievement Initiative (MASAI) is being relaunched with the support of staff in University College.
Peace Corps cultural event a success
Students, faculty, and staff got a taste of life abroad through East African Eats, an event organized by Peace Corps Prep Campus Recruiter Vanessa Soto. Returned Peace Corps volunteers shared food, music, cultural artifacts, and conversation to promote diversity and awareness.
QUEERtalks: On Bathrooms and Borders, March 28
“On Bathrooms and Borders” will be the next QUEERtalks at 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 28,
Increasing belongingness for African-American students at ISU
School belonging, social support, and a healthy developing identity continue to be very important predictors for success among underrepresented students.