The newly renovated Rosa Parks Conference Room takes a deeper look at the history of the Civil Rights Movement.
Topic: Diversity
A message from the Black Colleagues Association Board of Directors
The Board of Directors wants to stay connected with you throughout the year and hopes you consider becoming a contributing member to ISUBCA.
Making Homecoming history at Illinois State
For the first time in Illinois State history, both the student Homecoming queen and king were black students.
A recap of ISUBCA Homecoming 2016
Find out what you missed at this record-breaking ISUBCA Homecoming weekend or relive the fun.
Documenting homophobia and transphobia in Haiti
Erin Durban-Albrecht has been conducting research in Haiti trying to understand how nongovernmental organizations document attacks and abuse on LGBTQI individuals.
Inclusion workshops: Privilege and Power, November 11
Foundations of Diversity and Inclusion workshops will be offered this semester to help tackle tough questions involving culture and identity.
Safe Zone training to support LGBTQIA, November 11
The next Safe Zone training from Diversity Advocacy will be from 10 a.m.-noon Friday, November 11, in Schroeder Hall, room 114.
Attend Black Colleagues Association’s annual meeting, Dec. 10
The annual meeting on December 10 is a time to come together in person to recap the past year and discuss ISUBCA’s plans for the upcoming year.
Peace Corps Volunteer Michael Anstirman serves in Dominican Republic
Several months into Peace Corps in the Dominican Republic, Master’s International student Michael Anstirman is adjusting to his new role as an agribusiness advisor.
Latin American and Latino studies graduate student spotlight: William Rodriguez
William Rodriguez is working toward his teaching and learning education doctorate at Illinois State University, and he is teaching courses related to multiculturalism.