Rocío Rivadeneyra has been named the recipient of the 2018-2019 David A. Strand Diversity Achievement Award.
Topic: Diversity
Come join us for Adaptapalooza
In celebration of National Therapeutic Recreation month, the School of Kinesiology and Recreation in partnership with Campus Recreation is holding its 5th annual Adaptapalooza on Wednesday, February 27, from 5–6:30 p.m. at the Student Fitness Center.
Administrative/Professional February spotlight: Pam Cooper
Get to know this month’s spotlight, Pam Cooper, director of the Career Center.
Former youth in care Redbirds create community
Together Creating Community (TCC) is an Illinois State University group for students who have experienced the child welfare system or are passionate about it.
TRIO Day to celebrate first-generation students
Celebrating “game changers” who are first-generation students is the agenda for TRIO Day at Illinois State University on Saturday, February 23, in the Bone Student Center’s Prairie Rooms.
Community school hosts experts in education
Saturday mornings are usually reserved for sleeping in, having a huge breakfast or catching up on your episodes saved to your DVR.
Students form coalition in Albany Park
The North River Education Committee identifies student voice as one of their five core initiatives.
CTEP invites student to collaborate
On October 30–31, Illinois State University hosted the Culturally Responsive Campus Community (CRCC) conference in Bloomington-Normal for the third year.
Visiting Brazilian scholar to address African diaspora in beef jerky plantations, February 8
Lucio Menezes Ferreira will give a talk as part of the The Sociology and Anthropology Research Series at Illinois State University.
Women’s and Gender Studies Symposium submissions deadline February 15
Undergraduate and graduate students from all areas of study are invited to submit papers, performances, and presentations for the 23rd annual Women’s and Gender Studies Symposium.