Charley Edamala, associate vice president and chief information officer of Illinois State’s Office of Technology Solutions, did not set out to champion Redbird Esports.
Topic: Giving
Redbirds come together to make a #RedbirdImpact this June
This year Redbirds can give their time and treasures to make a #RedbirdImpact to help their communities and Illinois State University.
Scholarship memorializes anthropologist and ISU Faculty Emeritus Edward B. Jelks
The Department of Sociology and Anthropology lost one of its most talented and influential members in 2021 with Professor Edward B. Jelks’ passing on the evening of December 22. In his fifteen years as a Professor of Anthropology at Illinois State University, Jelks made enormous contributions to the University and to many of the graduates of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, which Jelks started in 1968.
Birds Give Back 2022 results
Birds Give Back is the annual day of giving for at Illinois State University. The School of Communication received the most gifts and raised more than twice the amount it did in 2021.
Redbirds complete the mission of this year’s Birds Give Back
For the fourth straight year, Illinois State completed the mission of Birds Give Back, a day where Redbirds come together to celebrate the University. Thanks to our donors, $958,944 was raised from 2,919 gifts, making this year’s edition the University’s second-best giving day ever following last year’s record-setting show of support.
Illinois State’s Birds Give Back returns during Redbird Philanthropy Week
The fourth annual Birds Give Back, Illinois State’s own day of giving, will be held on Thursday, February 24. It occurs within ISU’s Redbird Philanthropy Week scheduled for February 21 to February 25.
Milestones reached with Illinois State’s future funding success
Illinois State has achieved two milestones that secure its ongoing success. The University’s future funding, achieved through planned, deferred gift arrangements, now exceeds $100 million, while its endowment totals more than $207 million.
A family legacy: The Roy and Dorothy Hostettler Scholarship continues to benefit education students
Tom Beyer ’86 has a unique connection to the Roy and Dorothy Hostettler Scholarship established in 2007 through a gift from the estate of Beyer’s uncle Roy.
Naming opportunities available for new gaming complex
In fall 2021, Illinois State University’s Board of Trustees approved the development of a larger, enhanced gaming complex in the Bowling and Billiards Center to become the future home of Redbird Esports. Renderings of the gaming complex are now available, as well as naming opportunities throughout the space.
Milner Library tackles textbook affordability for Birds Give Back
For Birds Give Back 2022, Milner Library will be raising funds to help address student textbook costs.