COVID-19 in Latin America: Panama

Dr. Mayanin Rodriguez headshot

Learn how the COVID-19 pandemic impacts the Republic of Panama at the Spring 2021 International Seminar Series COVID-19: International Perspectives on Wednesday, February 10, at 12:00 p.m. Central Standard Time.

Global Redbirds and COVID-19: International Student Experience

Artistic rendering of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (cafarella-covid). Freepik.

How has the COVID-19 pandemic experience been different in other countries?     On February 3, 2021, ISU international students will compare their experiences with the pandemic in their home country and the United States. Valen Pao, graduate student in information systems from Taiwan, and Nehal Shah, undergraduate in marketing and public relations from India, will share their insights and answer audience questions. Advance registration is

Bridging barriers with Primary Resources

Teaching with Primary Sources graphic of the 17 states it covers.

Teaching with Primary Sources Midwest, typically serves 17 states in the heart of the US, recently helped the United Arab Emirates train educators on using primary sources.