2022 graduation recognition events

Students smiling and holding certificates and wearing graduation drapes

Student organizations affiliated with the Multicultural Center and Umoja will host 2022 cultural graduation recognition events that honor students, their families, and communities. 

Makeup lacks options for individuals with different skin tones

pictures of women

Makeup plays a huge role in promoting appearance ideals with the purpose of being used to disguise blemishes, imperfections, or to even enhance them. One of the biggest shortcomings in the makeup industry is providing everyone with the same equal access to buying their perfect shade

International graduate student perseveres, explores future of art

Rochele Gloor in art gallery

It was March 2021, and most businesses were closed amid another surge in coronavirus (COVID-19) infections and deaths across Brazil. Gloor, however, was continuing her work as art director and costume designer for a five-part television documentary titled Tramas da Moda (FashionNet), about the storied history of fashion in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.