Body image, eating disorders, and the LGBTQ+ population

flowers with building in background

Eating disorders can affect anyone and it is important for treatment specialists to educate themselves on how sexuality and gender identity can play a role in eating disorder development or a negative body image in order to provide the best care possible.

Art: The Ultimate Form of Human Expression

MFA Graduate Student Shahrbanoo Hamzeh in her studio. Included is some of her artwork.

Shahrbanoo Hamzeh is a student at Illinois State Univeristy pursuing a M.F.A. in studio art. Throughout her art there is a constant theme of voicing the inequality she observed while living in her home country of Iran.

Pride Charity Drag Show, March 26

headshot of Bambi Banks-Couleé

Chicago favorite Bambi Banks-Couleé will headline the evening with performances from local drag talent and newcomers to the virtual stage.