A message to the campus community on faculty negotiations

Illinois State University bridge

This communication is an update on important developments in contract negotiations with University Professionals of Illinois, United Faculty of ISU (UFISU), the Union representing Illinois State University’s approximately 650 non-administrative tenured and tenure-track faculty.

Free test prep resources now available to Redbirds

young woman holding a textbook and smiling at the camera

Through a new Illinois state-wide partnership, Illinois State University students will now receive free access to Kaplan’s industry-leading test prep resources for graduate admissions exams, licensure, and credentialing exams, as well as skills development courses. 

Students visit Washington D.C. to advocate for student research

Dr. Gina Hunter, Brenna Long, and Tara Geyer

An Illinois State University team led by Dr. Gina Hunter, alongside undergraduate students Brenna Long and Tara Geyer, has earned the prestigious honor of participating in the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) 2024-25 professional development program titled Scholars Transforming Through Research (STR) Program.