To ensure that the University is prepared to continue to support students facing unexpected financial obstacles, University Advancement is encouraging all Redbird alumni and friends to help Rebuild the Red and White.
Unit: Annual Giving
Redbirds Rising campaign reaches record-breaking conclusion
Illinois State University concluded its largest fundraising campaign on June 30, raising $180.9 million during Redbirds Rising: The Campaign for Illinois State. The historic campaign was supported by 56,143 donors.
What can 14,429 Redbirds make possible?
In Fiscal Year 2020, 14,429 members of our Redbird community contributed to expanding the margin of excellence throughout campus.
Redbird donors rise to support students in need!
Illinois State donors have been giving to the Red and White Scholarship since the fund was established in 2011 to help students with unexpected financial hardships.
Single-day giving records broken during Birds Give Back 2020
Birds Gave Back now boasts back-to-back record giving days after Redbirds rose on February 27 to make 2,188 individual gifts to the University totaling $1,118,745, according to preliminary totals
Second annual giving day, Birds Give Back, set for February 27
Through the University-wide day of philanthropy, alumni, faculty/staff, students, parents, friends, and the community can donate funds to support their areas of interest at Illinois State.
Passion for Paw-lice Work: Susan Cameron’s gift gives back to ISUPD and Community Engagement Unit
People often ask, “What are you passionate about?” Sometimes it takes a whole lifetime to answer that question. Susan Cameron ’79 had an inkling as a child that she acted on as an adult, combining her passion for dogs and supporting law enforcement with a gift during the Redbirds Rising campaign. Ever since her youth,
1,857th employee donor helps Illinois State Rise to the Challenge
Traci Carte, director of the School of Information Technology, became the 1,857th Illinois State employee donor to help the campus community rise to the challenge issued by President Larry Dietz on Founders Day 2019.
Redbird Socks for Scholarships supports students in need
Where will your Redbird Socks take you? For Zakia Hart, they’ll be taking her across the commencement stage next year when she graduates.
Donating with a purpose: Birds Give Back inspires new tradition for annual giving
The Illinois State University inaugural Birds Give Back – 1 Day for Change proved to be a raging success. With the participation from alumni, students, faculty, staff and friends, the event, held on February 28, 2019 raised over $625,494 from 1,734 gifts. Senior Director of Annual Giving Jillian Nelson said, “Birds Give Back was a