Wellness is here for you

The Office of Health Promotion and Wellness, located in Suite 187 McCormick of the Student Fitness Center and McCormick Hall, serves as the campus resource for wellness and preventive health by leading health promotion action at Illinois State University.

Being Mindful in the New Year

The Office of Health Promotion and Wellness continues to provide opportunities to help improve mindfulness in our daily lives.

Civil Service January Spotlight: Lyndsie Schlink

ISU Photographer Lyndsie Schlink

The Civil Service Council will feature a civil service employee at Illinois State University each month to highlight an exceptional colleague and the outstanding work being done on campus! This month learn about ISU Photographer Lyndsie Schlink.

Toys for Tots drive runs until December 14

bags of toys in and around a collection box for Toys for Tots

The Civil Service Council and Illinois State are partnering with Toys for Tots of McLean County to provide toys to underprivileged children throughout the county. Drop off a new, unwrapped toy until December 14.