International media turned to Distinguished Professor Dr. Ali Riaz to comment on the newly announced U.S. visa policy regarding Bangladesh.
International media turn to Dr. Riaz on US policy about Bangladesh

International media turned to Distinguished Professor Dr. Ali Riaz to comment on the newly announced U.S. visa policy regarding Bangladesh.
The free, outdoor community performance event is centered around listening to Native Americans as a reconciliatory act of land acknowledgement.
Everyone is welcome to attend the second annual Communities of Belonging and Success (COBAS) Taller (Workshop) on Thursday, June 1 from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Williams Hall, Room 314. The workshop is made possible by an Illinois State University Provost Innovation and Enhancement Grant. There is no cost for attending, but participants must register in advance with Lourdes Concepción Cabán at
Illinois State University’s Department of Politics and Government held the 30th Annual Conference for Students of Political Science on Friday, May 19, 2023.
Every spring, Dr. Kate Driscoll’s ANT 374 Museum Studies class examines the “history, organization, and administration of museums as well as the methods of acquisition, preservation and exhibition of artifacts.”
On May 17, Dr. Michael Hendricks published “Nicaragua and the Catholic Church” in Canopy Forum, which “is a digital publication from the Center for the Study of Law and Religion at Emory University that produces expert analysis for scholars, lawyers, clergy, journalists, policy makers, and the broader public.”
Distinguished Professor Ali Riaz has presented on freedom of expression in Bangladesh in a panel discussion held in Washington D.C.
Whether you’re an alum seeking to give back to Illinois State by hiring a Redbird, or a recruiter seeking Redbird talent for your open positions, Illinois State’s fall career fairs will help you reach your goal.
Julia Connolly and Cassian La Bounty share how they identified internships and how those experiences impacted their professional growth.
There’s not a day Todd Kober ‘97, M.S. ‘99 can recall where football was not a part of his life. In fact, Kober has never missed viewing an NFL Draft on TV—not once—until 2023. He traded that standing, annual TV date with the draft for a life-changing professional experience.