University Research Symposium shines spotlight on student scholarship

Doctoral student Robby Anggriawan presents at the University Research Symposium.

Illinois State students shared their research on virtual spiders, false memories, wrongful convictions, nanoparticles, and scores of other topics at the Graduate School’s Research Symposium. The 32nd annual showcase of student scholarship and creative expression was held Friday, April 14, in the Brown Ballroom and Circus Room in the Bone Student Center.

Outstanding seniors recognized by the School of Communication

Outstanding Seniors 2023

The School of Communication is proud to recognize five exemplary students with the 2023 “Outstanding Senior” award—an honor given to the top student(s) in each COM major.
Congratulations to David Allen (Communication Studies), Miriam Wolff (Communication Studies), Elizabeth Urban (Journalism), Maddy Artman (Mass Media), and Kyah Joseph (Public Relations).

2023 WGSS Student Research Symposium, April 27

person looking away from camera

Keynote scholar Kate Manne will present “He Said, She Listened: On Epistemic Entitlement, Mansplaining, and Gaslighting” at the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Student Research Symposium.