Instructors and support staff spent more than 11,230 hours on professional development in the area of teaching and learning.
Unit: College of Applied Science and Technology
CAST 50×50: Erin Kennedy, School of Kinesiology and Recreation
Two-time Illinois State University alumna Erin Kennedy is featured in the CAST 50×50 series.
Professor Park gives keynote speech at CPCU chapter meeting
Technology Professor Borinara Park was the keynote speaker at the Central Illinois Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) Society Chapter Meeting on January 9 at the Chateau Hotel and Conference Center in Bloomington.
University teaching initiative awards announced
Lauren Bratslavsky, Shelley Clevenger, Lea Cline, Tracy Mainieri, and Amanda Miller are the recipients of the 2016 Outstanding University Teaching Initiative Awards.
Understanding the lives of veterans in the justice system
Phil Mulvey has received a nearly $100,000 grant from the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) to explore the daily lives of veterans who enter the criminal justice system.
CAST 50×50: Dean Todd McLoda
Dean Todd McLoda is featured in the CAST 50×50 series.
A Day in the Life of a CAST Alum: Meagan Provencher, Agriculture
A day in the life of CAST alumna Meagan (McDonald) Provencher ’94.
Two construction management students awarded CICHE scholarships
Garrett Belville ’16 and Alan Avitia ’18, Construction Management students were awarded the 2016 Central Illinois Chapter of Healthcare Engineers (CICHE) Scholarship.
Department of Technology hosts 440+ high school students at Tech Day 2016
The Department of Technology hosted the 16th annual Tech Day in the Bone Student Center on October 21, 2016.
Technology graduate students present research project
Pooja Jain and Ruchi Shivhare, both Department of Technology graduate students, participated in a special research project internship with the logistics arm of RR Donnelley, a major marketing and business communications company.