Graduating Redbirds: Veteran and family man maintained perfect GPA at age 48

student in cap and gown

Nontraditional student. Definitions of that term vary, but most interpretations include factors like age, work and family commitments, among others. Illinois State University even offers orientation days tailored for those who fit the category. Maybe the real defining characteristic is that nontraditional students have multiple, interesting layers that add to campus life. That could be said of Walter Reeves, who is graduating with a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice sciences at the age of 48.

Pranshoo Solanki and Haiyan Xie awarded Illinois Department of Transportation grant

Brendon Phillips, Russell Smallwood, Pranshoo Solanki, Harsh Chauhan, and Alex Roehm with core drill 2021

Dr. Pranshoo Solanki and Dr. Sally Xie, construction management professors were awarded a two-year, $250,000 grant for their study, “Influence of Field Curing Conditions on Strength of Concrete Test Specimens.” Concrete curing is defined as providing adequate temperature, moisture, and time to allow the concrete to achieve the desired strength and durability for its intended

Recap: CAST’s 2021 Science and Technology Week

award ceremony inductees posing together

The College of Applied Science and Technology recently hosted a successful week of virtual and in-person events celebrating advancements in the field of science and technology, and students and professionals who make everything possible.