Aleah Keating will investigate participants’ responses to thickened liquids under the supervision of Dr. Taeok Park
CSD student awarded the FIREbird Student Research Grant

Aleah Keating will investigate participants’ responses to thickened liquids under the supervision of Dr. Taeok Park
Interprofessional collaboration is critical for investigating the effectiveness of virtual reality technology for rehabilitation services and aging-in-place practices.
Winners in all eight categories of the 2024 Civic Engagement Awards were named as part of Illinois State University’s annual Civic Engagement Celebration.
Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) are trained to assess, diagnose, and treat speech, language, cognitive and communication disorders in individuals who suffer from brain injuries. Therapy provided by SLPs can help individuals regain the ability to communicate effectively and regain cognitive skills that were affected by the injury.
What are cochlear implants? Would you be a candidate?
Strategies to assist with ringing in the ears.
Illinois’ poor reading scores, which have remained stagnant for over 17 years, demonstrate that children with dyslexia are not the only children in Illinois schools who are struggling to learn to read under current instructional methods. The Right to Read documentary follows Oakland NAACP activist, Kareem Weaver, who believes literacy is our most important civil right.
This outreach program provided hearing care to some of the more compromised sisters for whom traveling to the Bloomington area would have been a hardship.
Carefully selected and expertly fit hearing aids can be a powerful treatment tool for managing bothersome tinnitus, with and without significant hearing loss.
While more studies with larger numbers of participants are needed to say for sure, there does seem to be a connection between coronavirus (COVID-19) infection and tinnitus.