Volkswagen’s blatant fraud has consequences that adversely impact public and environmental health worldwide. The car manufacturer may face billions in fines from the United States for violating the Clean Air Act. Illinois State University’s Director of Sustainability Missy Nergard talks about why the 45-year-old act is still so important.
Unit: Finance and Planning
SURS presentation October 1
A presentation on SURS benefits for Tier I members will be from 1:30-3:30 p.m. Thursday, October 1.
Information Security Office launches IT internship program
The Information Security Office (ISO) began a cooperative internship program in January 2015.
IBHE to meet with campus leaders on FY2017 budget request
Illinois State University will host representatives from the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) on Wednesday, September 30, 2015.
Environmental Health and Safety hosts FEMA Damage Assessment training
Environmental Health and Safety coordinated and hosted a two-day Damage Assessment course sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on June 9-10.
Infrastructure Operations and Networking update
Infrastructure, Operations and Networking (ION) teams design and maintain the phone and data network infrastructure, including over 1,900 network devices that spread to every corner of campus.
Budget Office to host state universities
Illinois State’s Budget Office will host representatives from eight other state universities during a budget officer retreat on Thursday, October 8, in Normal.
VPFP division retirements since last issue of Insights
Recent retirements from the Finance and Planning division.
Emergency Alert test on September 16
A test of ISU Emergency Alert will be conducted at 2:05 p.m. Wednesday, September 16.
Campus construction: What’s changed for fall 2015
Illinois State students are back on campus this week for the start of fall classes. Greeting them this semester are several construction projects that recently wrapped up or will be soon.