Free test prep resources now available to Redbirds

young woman holding a textbook and smiling at the camera

Through a new Illinois state-wide partnership, Illinois State University students will now receive free access to Kaplan’s industry-leading test prep resources for graduate admissions exams, licensure, and credentialing exams, as well as skills development courses. 

Graduate school can shape your future

Two graduate students smiling at the camera at Commencement.

Whether you are interested in personal growth, career advancement, or to change careers, applying for graduate school is a major decision that can shape your future.

Gabriela Ledesma receives Lincoln Laureate award

Head and shoulders image of a woman with long brown hair

Gabriela Ledesma has been named one of this year’s recipients of the Laureate Award from The Lincoln Academy of Illinois and was recognized at the February 21, 2025, Board of Trustees meeting.

International Redbirds gain support with careers

five young adults from a variety of cultures smile at the camera

Which organizations are hiring? Do I meet their requirements? How do I create a résumé or LinkedIn profile highlighting my experiences? These are just a few questions students often ask as they consider full-time employment, internships, or assistantships. However, the number and types of questions frequently multiply for students from abroad studying in the United

Career tips for graduating Redbirds

graduation cap with "Class of 2024" written on it

Whether you’re starting a new job, about to enter graduate school, or still deciding what’s next, these tips from Career Services can help you as a new alum.