An Illinois State “family” bonded by a traumatic event with a positive outcome advocates for CPR and AED awareness.
Unit: Kinesiology and Recreation
Fall career fairs connect students, alumni, employers
Whether you’re an alum seeking to give back to Illinois State by hiring a Redbird, or a recruiter seeking Redbird talent for your open positions, Illinois State’s fall career fairs will help you reach your goal.
The PodCAST: A conversation with René Revis Shingles, kinesiology and recreation alumna
This episode of The PodCAST features a conversation with René Revis Shingles. René is an alumna of the School of Kinesiology and Recreation, and is currently a professor and internship coordinator for the Athletic Training Program at Central Michigan University.
University Research Symposium shines spotlight on student scholarship
Illinois State students shared their research on virtual spiders, false memories, wrongful convictions, nanoparticles, and scores of other topics at the Graduate School’s Research Symposium. The 32nd annual showcase of student scholarship and creative expression was held Friday, April 14, in the Brown Ballroom and Circus Room in the Bone Student Center.
The PodCAST: A conversation with Scott Krapf, kinesiology and recreation alum
The College of Applied Science and Technology has released the next episode of the college’s new podcast, The PodCAST. This episode features a conversation with Scott Krapf, a two-time alum of the School of Kinesiology and Recreation. Krapf is currently a partner at Frost Brown Todd.
Emily Calandrelli to headline the 2023 Science and Technology Week, March 28
Emily Calandrelli of the Netflix series Emily’s Wonder Lab will headline the 2023 Science and Technology Week with a talk at 7 p.m. March 28.
Adaptapalooza promotes inclusion and awareness of adaptive recreation
Adaptapalooza allows students to experience sports adapted for people with physical disabilities.
Eight receive 2023 Alumni Awards
The Alumni Association recognizes eight individuals and their outstanding achievements and contributions.
School of Kinesiology and Recreation alumna named to NRPA’s 30 under 30 list
Kinesiology and Recreation alumna finds success at the Lisle Park District and is named to NRPA’s 30 under 30 list.
Study Aboard: Get credit while on a cruise!
During winter break, six ISU students and faculty director, Rachel Smith, embarked on a 7-night Norwegian Bliss cruise study abroad program – KNR 314: Introduction to the Cruise Line Industry.