Spring Reminder: “Walk your wheels” no April Fools joke for campus dismount zones

Reggie walking with a bicycle

Dismount zones across the Illinois State University campus are marked and reserved for pedestrian use. As warmer weather arrives, recent social media posts on campus channels aimed to remind students, faculty and staff that dismount zones prohibit bicycles, skateboards, scooters, and other recreation and transportation devices. Despite the fun, April Fool’s message, no exemptions for

In the News, April 2024

Camera lens close-up

Highlights of stories about Illinois State University experts and initiatives appearing in the media.    

Retirement reception for Julie Barnhill, April 25, 2024

Head and shoulders image

Members of the Illinois State University community are invited to a retirement reception for Director of Presidential and Trustee Events Julie Barnhill on Thursday, April 25, 2024, from 2-4 p.m. at the Aaron Leetch Club, Hancock Stadium.