Free test prep resources now available to Redbirds

young woman holding a textbook and smiling at the camera

Through a new Illinois state-wide partnership, Illinois State University students will now receive free access to Kaplan’s industry-leading test prep resources for graduate admissions exams, licensure, and credentialing exams, as well as skills development courses. 

Graduate school can shape your future

Two graduate students smiling at the camera at Commencement.

Whether you are interested in personal growth, career advancement, or to change careers, applying for graduate school is a major decision that can shape your future.

Second Annual Women as Transformational Leaders event February 24 and 25 

a group of women in rows of seating listening to three speakers at front of room

Illinois State will host the second annual “Women as Transformational Leaders” event on February 24 and 25, with three alumnae who will share their experiences as leaders in their respective fields. The two-day event is open to all students, faculty, and staff. Registration will be required for some portions.