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Unit: Scholarly Communication
Going Open Access: A tale of two journals
While Open Access can provide solutions to some issues in scholarly publishing, there is no universal solution that is best for every journal and publisher. Two prominent journals which transferred to Open Access in very different ways can help illustrate how it can be implemented differently depending on the needs of the journal, publisher, authors, and readers.
Exploring the extra costs of article processing charges
While we often discuss the positive aspects of Scholarly Communications and Open Access (OA), we also need to consider areas where it can be improved for authors and readers or even where policies can have unintended and undesirable consequences.
Feminist, accessible public scholarship talk set for October 25
Feminist, accessible public scholarship talk set for October 25.
Historic Illinois State alumni and marketing publications digitally preserved
As the Illinois State University Alumni Association approaches its sesquicentennial celebration, Milner Library is delighted to announce that it has fully digitized its collection of alumni periodicals.
School of Theatre and Dance programs now online
Through a partnership between Milner Library and the School of Theatre and Dance, around 190 programs have been added to the School’s collection on ISUReD. Patrons can now browse production programs that date back to 1957 and feature hundreds of the school’s theatre and dance students, faculty, and staff.
Keeping up with Open Access
As the fall semester begins and we welcome our students and faculty back to classes, we hope you’re excited about scholarly communications and Open Access too.
Scholarship of scholarly communications
As librarians our discussions of scholarly communication topics often focus on how they can benefit our users as a service, such as the Textbook Affordability Committee’s work with faculty members to make open-access textbooks available to students.
Complete run of Illinois Shakespeare Festival programs now online
Thanks to a collaboration between the Wonsook Kim College of Fine Arts and Milner Library, copies of printed programs from the 1978 to 2019 Illinois Shakespeare Festivals are available online in Illinois State University’s institutional repository, ISU ReD. These materials are freely available to everyone.
A look at some recent Open Access datasets
Open Access is a frequent topic of our news items from the Scholarly Communication Team, not just for its own sake but for the ways it can open new avenues and methods of research for our faculty, students, and staff.