Civil Service March Spotlight – Shayla Dennis

The Civil Service Council will feature a civil service employee at Illinois State University each month to highlight an exceptional colleague and the outstanding work being done on campus! This month get a chance to learn about and applaud Shayla Dennis with Event Management Dining & Hospitality.

Sexual Assault Awareness Month events

Teal Ribbon on Denim

The Student Wellness Ambassador Team (SWAT), Students Ending Rape Culture (SERC), and Health Promotion and Wellness will hold a series of events for Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

Makeup lacks options for individuals with different skin tones

pictures of women

Makeup plays a huge role in promoting appearance ideals with the purpose of being used to disguise blemishes, imperfections, or to even enhance them. One of the biggest shortcomings in the makeup industry is providing everyone with the same equal access to buying their perfect shade