The Board of Trustees of Illinois State University approved several resolutions at its regular meeting on October 11, 2024.
Unit: University
Taking a closer look – HLC Criterion 5 – Institutional Effectiveness, Resources and Planning
In the final edition of a five-part series, we focus on the Higher Learning Commission’s Criterion 5 – Institutional Effectiveness, Resources and Planning for Illinois State’s reaccreditation.
AP/CS Council merger: External representation
Perhaps the most important function of the Staff Council is its role in shared governance at Illinois State. The CS and A/P Councils provide representatives for many university groups and committees so that staff make their voices heard. One of the core justifications for the merger is to produce a stronger, more unified staff voice in these venues. We now turn to where and how that voice is exercised.
Taking a closer look – HLC Criterion 4 – Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement
In part 4 of a five-part series, we focus on the Higher Learning Commission’s Criterion 4 – Teaching and Learning: Evaluation and Improvement for Illinois State’s reaccreditation.
Administrative/Professional October spotlight: Yelyse Walls
Every month, the Administrative/Professional (A/P) Council highlights an A/P staff member through a series of questions as another way for the Illinois State University community to connect. This month, readers get to know Yelyse Walls ’15, coordinator of recruitment and EDI engagement in the Office of Admissions.
A message from President Tarhule, September 30
As a follow-up to a weekend event that resulted in campus-wide Emergency Alerts, President Aondover Tarhule provides a community update, including upcoming meetings and resources for students, faculty and staff.
Finalists for the director of the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access to visit campus
Finalists for the director of the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access (OEOA) at Illinois State University will be on campus September 30, and October 1, 2, and 3.
Research and Honors, October 2024
Presentations and publications by Illinois State University faculty and staff members.
Mandatory annual compliance training for all employees due October 31, 2024
All faculty, staff, and student employees are required to complete annual compliance training by October 31, 2024.
Taking a closer look – HLC Criterion 3 – Teaching and Learning: Quality, Resources, and Support
In part 3 of a five-part series, we focus on the Higher Learning Commission’s Criterion 3 – Teaching and Learning: quality, Resources, and Support for Illinois State’s reaccreditation.