View photos of winners for this spring’s Homecoming contest.
Unit: University
Weekly update, April 1
This message includes information about registering for an on-campus vaccination clinic, standby lists, vaccine eligibility and the 2021-22 academic year, clinic details, second dose vaccination clinics, and new COVID-19 testing hours.
Board of Trustees special meeting, April 3
The Board of Trustees of Illinois State University will hold a special meeting at 9 a.m. Saturday, April 3, 2021. Per Executive Order 2021-05, the meeting will be held virtually.
Homecoming celebration events, April 5-11
Homecoming: Redbirds in Flight, April 5-11, will celebrate with virtual or socially distanced events.
Academic Affairs staff members join professional development through FISSE
More than 650 staff members took part in professional development under the Framework for Inclusive Support and Service Excellence.
Can uranium snowflakes explode a star?
Dr. Matt Caplan co-authored a new paper for Physical Review Letters that theorizes uranium snowflakes forming the core of white dwarfs could ignite a supernova explosion.
Weekly update, March 25
This message includes information about Illinois State University vaccination clinics, vaccine eligibility and the 2021-22 academic year, clinic details, second dose vaccination clinics, new COVID-19 testing hours, and guidance for those who are fully vaccinated.
Dr. Shamaine Bertrand named David A. Strand Diversity Achievement Award recipient
Dr. Shamaine Bertrand is honored for her work on professional development for schools across the nation that focus on social and racial justice and culturally responsive teaching.
Research and Honors, March 23, 2021
Illinois State faculty and staff publications.
Higher education staff eligible for COVID-19 vaccine on March 22
Governor J.B. Pritzker announced Friday, March 19, that higher education staff, among other groups, will be eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine beginning Monday, March 22.