Queer Talks Lunch ‘n’ Learn to be held April 17

Two androgynous people wearing colorful makeup embrace while looking into the camera. They are surrounded by a teal ribbon symbolizing sexual assault awareness.

Queer Coalition and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies are partnering with YWCA McLean County’s Stepping Stones program to offer a lunchtime workshop exploring the impact of sexual assault and intimate partner violence on the LGBTQIA+ community.

Research award winners for 2024-25 announced

Founders Bell

Illinois State University announced the winners of the Outstanding University Researcher and the Outstanding University Creative Activity awards. Also honored were the winners of the Research initiative Awards and the Creative Activity Initiative Awards. Recipients for these awards are selected from competitive pools of candidates.

Second Annual Women as Transformational Leaders event February 24 and 25 

a group of women in rows of seating listening to three speakers at front of room

Illinois State will host the second annual “Women as Transformational Leaders” event on February 24 and 25, with three alumnae who will share their experiences as leaders in their respective fields. The two-day event is open to all students, faculty, and staff. Registration will be required for some portions. 

Queer Coalition film series celebrates queer women and the stories they tell

Image of film camera on pink and red background

Queer Coalition, Illinois State University’s LGBTQIA+ affinity group for faculty, staff, and graduate students, is excited to present In Her Image: A Film Series Celebrating Queer Women and The Stories They Tell. This special event will run February 18 through March 19 at the historic Normal Theater, showcasing four independent films directed by and starring