Research and Honors is a monthly column of the Illinois State Report newsletter, celebrating recent Honors, Publications, and Presentations of faculty and staff.


Michael Dougherty, SOC, was elected to the Board of Directors of the Guatemala Scholars Network and as Conference Co-Chair for the 2025 meeting.


Rajeev Goel, ECO and Katie School of Insurance, was invited to present his research paper, “Election campaign finance bans and corruption: Effectiveness across parliamentary and presidential democracies,” at the Solvay Brussels School of Economics & Management, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, and the National Research Council (CNR), Italy.

Katie Jasper, HIS, presented a talk for the European Union Center of California at Scripps College entitled, “Barbarian Trespassers? The Transformation of the Countryside in Post-Roman Italy.”


Vladimir Kotomin, FIL, co-authored a research article titled, “Deposit flows and the January effect in deposit rates,” in the Journal of Financial Research.

Janice Jayes, HIS, published a short article on the erosion of Asylum protections.

Michael L. Dougherty, SOC, published an article titled, “Syllabus as Argument in an Era of Politicized Pedagogy” in Sociological Forum.

Camille Cole, HIS, with colleagues and students at the University of Washington, published an interactive web map exploring navigation and trade on the nineteenth-century Tigris.

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