The College of Business at Illinois State University has re-configured its e-communication What’s New in the COB to include exactly the types of articles our alumni, external partners, faculty and staff value. You can:

  • read about exciting work being done by fellow graduates and share your own success stories in our Alumni Spotlight
  • get insights from experts on today’s toughest business challenges
  • find out about upcoming events and speakers to sharpen your professional skill set
  • learn how to connect with fellow graduates, external partners, current and retired faculty through The College of Business Alumni Network (COBAN)
  • discover new developments at the College of Business and Illinois State University that add value to your degree…

Our goal is to provide you the news you want, how you want it. Which option do you prefer?

1. If you subscribe to What’s New in the COB by clicking on the RSS feed icon, stories will automatically drop in your RSS mailbox as they are released so you can view them at your convenience. (Click here to learn how.)

2. You can elect to receive this same news through a once-a-month email that includes links to the top stories from the previous few weeks. Go to to subscribe for this option.

3. If receiving our once-a-year College of Business Alumni Magazine News & Views is all you need, let us know. Type “magazine only” in the subject line of an email to   Be sure to include your contact information in the body of the message so we can fulfill your request.

Students in our Market Research class are currently seeking additional feedback from alumni, external partners, faculty and other stakeholders to help us further refine our interactive newsletter. So if they contact you about completing a brief survey, please do!