Illinois State University Board of Trustees today authorized appropriations spending, selection of a natural gas provider, substations replacement, a pharmaceuticals purchase, an extension of Cisco hardware and software agreement and a contract for adding temporary staff.

• Authorization to spend FY2012 appropriations – the Board is required to approve the University’s FY2012 operating budget, but the state appropriations are not yet known. Until the Trustees act on the University budget at the October meeting, the University is authorized to expend funds from internal allocations.

• Authorization to select a natural gas provider – a four-year contract with Interstate Municipal Gas Company with six one-year extensions was approved to provide natural gas and related services.

• Authorization to replace electrical substations – the existing electrical service for University High School, Fairchild Hall and Horton Fieldhouse is original to the buildings that were constructed between 1951 and 1965. The substations will be replaced at a cost of $1.8 million.

• Authorization to purchase pharmaceuticals – a blanket order for $1.25 million with HD Smith to purchase pharmaceuticals for the Student Health Services Pharmacy was approved.

• Authorization to extend purchase agreement for Cisco hardware and software – the hardware and software will be purchased from Burwood Group at an annual cost of $1.95 million for the next three years.

• Authorization to contract for Information Technology staff augmentation services – three vendors were selected for temporary information technology service needs with one-year contracts and nine one-year renewals at a cost of $1 million for all three contracts. The vendors are HTC Global Services, Chicago Business Intelligence Group and STL Office Solutions.