Illinois State University quarterback Blake Winkler knows the importance of maximizing his time.

Grueling practices, team meetings, cross training, and games on the evenings and weekends place high demand on the student-athlete. However Winkler also pushes himself academically as an Honors student at Illinois State. He succeeds at each by making every second of his day count.

Winkler began playing for the Redbirds as a redshirt freshman. He has appreciated playing football for Illinois State not only because he loves the game, but also because it has allowed him to form bonds that have shaped and complemented his character.

“Some of the friends you make and the camaraderie you form with your teammates have made it a life changing experience for me,” Winkler said.

Winkler also works to further his academic ambitions. Drawn to the University by its business program, Winkler plans to earn his degree in only three years, majoring in marketing with an emphasis in professional sales.

“I felt Illinois State had a friendly community and they offered a great education in the business field,” Winkler said. “It was the right fit for me.”

The Honors Program has played a significant part in his success. Winkler chose to become a part of the program because he knew it would help him to challenge himself in his classes and make him better prepared for his career.

“Just like on the playing field, the Honors Program makes you step up your game to match these bright peers in your classes,” Winkler said. “When I heard about the Honors program at ISU I knew it was something I would definitely be a part of.”

After graduating in spring 2015, Winkler plans pursue his MBA. Moving forward he knows that the heavy course loads, challenging classes, and effort that he has put into his whirlwind journey through Illinois State will leave him poised to succeed. He hopes that students considering the Honors Program in the future will realize that while the work can be challenging, the rewards are well worth the effort.

“Not only will you gain knowledge that you can bring into the real world for the rest of your life, but you are going to be able to use hard work, concentration, focus, time management—all of the things you need to be successful in the Honors Program at ISU—to take you even farther than all of the knowledge you will have gained,” Winkler said.