ISBE has announced a second session of ESSA listening tours scheduled throughout September. This second round will provide another opportunity for stakeholder engagement and may include the opportunity to provide input on specific portions of the draft plan, expected to be fully implemented by the 2017-2018 school year. Below are some resources that we have been collecting that show the alignment of ESSA to initiatives that we support at the Center for the Study of Education Policy (CSEP).
- CSEP put together a white paper that shows the alignment between Illinois’ new principal preparation requirements and ESSA Title II funding, making the case for how Illinois can acquire federal ESSA Title II dollars without making any new policy changes.
- The Federation for Community Schools issued a guidance document during an ISBE ESSA listening session on how ESSA funding could support community schools in Illinois.
- The Ounce of Prevention wrote a guide on valuing the early years in state’s new accountability systems through ESSA.
- The First Five Years Fund (FFYF) has released guidance on how ESSA can be implemented to advance and increase access to quality early childhood education in districts.
- The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) strongly supports the Every Student Succeeds Act, a reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. In efforts to support states they have compiled a list of resources.
- Quick guides on top issues: the Education Commission of States has compiled a report with insights into key questions and concerns regarding ESSA.