Susan Hildebrandt, SED, was awarded the Stephen A. Freeman Award for Best Published Article from the Northeast Conference on Teaching Foreign Languages (NECTFL) for her co-authored article “Re-examining teacher candidate performance on World Language edTPA as a consequential assessment,” which appeared in the NECTFL Review.

Jennifer Friberg, CSD, and Kathleen McKinney, SOC emeritus, edited the new volume Applying the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning beyond the Individual Classroom” (Indiana University Press).

 Thomas McClure, POL, and Thomas Eimermann, POL emeritus, published Fundamentals of Criminal Law and Procedure for Paralegals (Wolters Kluwer).

Christine Varga-Harris, HIS, published “Between National Tradition and Western Modernization: Soviet Woman and Representations of Socialist Gender Equality as a ‘Third Way’ for Developing Countries, 1956-1964,” in the Slavic Review.


Dawn Beichner, CJS, presented in the policy roundtable, “Women and Prisoner Reentry” at the American Society of Criminology meetings in San Francisco, California.

Susan Burt, ENG, published “Person-referring expressions, reference nominals and address nominals: Informalization in an Illinois neighborhood social group” in It’s not all about you: New perspectives on address research (John Benjamins).

Gavin Weiser EAF, presented “Affective Relationality” and “More Than Human Activist Research and Precarious Choreography: Activists and Academics in Collaboration” at the American Educational Studies Association.