Michael Barrowclough, AGR, published “An examination of help‐seeking preferences via best–worst scaling” in the Journal of Clinical Psychology. 

Dawn Beichner, CJS, guest-edited the special issue of the International Journal for Crime, Justice, and Social Democracy, “The Social Protection of Women and Girls: Links to Crime and Justice.” 

Sarah Boesdorfer, CHE, and graduate student T. Bennett, published “Coupling PhET simulations and POGIL: High school chemistry students’ learning and engagement in argumentation on the topic of atomic theory” in the Journal of Teacher Action Research. 6(2), 26-53. Boesdorfer also presented “A ‘Levels of Engineering Design’ Rubric for Science Teachers Incorporating NGSS” at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual International Conference in Portland, Oregon. 

T.Y. Wang, POL, “Taiwan’s Rising International Standing amid the COVID-19 Pandemic?” in Taiwan Insight.

Kathryn Webster, HSC, published “Student Perceptions of Barriers to Professional Exam Success” in The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice. 

LC Yang, HSC, published “Microbial and isotopomer analysis of N2O generation pathways in ammonia removal biofilters” in Chemosphere. 

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