The Center for Civic Engagement (CCE), in partnership with the University’s Voter Engagement Coalition, would like input from faculty and instructors on how they used and integrated election information into their courses during the fall semester.
If you taught in fall 2020, please complete the short online survey by January 29.
“Survey responses will provide important information on how we can support faculty to incorporate political engagement, one important aspect of civic engagement, into their courses,” said Harriett Steinbach, assistant director at CCE and co-chair of the Voter Engagement Coalition.
“Just because the fall election is over does not mean that we are done with political engagement for the next year,” continued Steinbach. “We are using the election as the launching point. There are opportunities for political engagement each semester, regardless of whether or not there is an election.”
Survey data will also be used to inform the Voter Engagement Coalition’s evaluation and recap of campus political engagement efforts and the Voter Engagement Plan. The plan was created last year as a step toward earning the Voter Friendly Campus designation, an initiative sponsored by the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, the Campus Vote Project, and the Fair Elections Center.