Every month the Administrative/Professional (A/P) Council highlights an A/P staff member through a series of questions as another way for the Illinois State community to connect. This month readers can get to know Kate Weiser, pre-health professions advisor in University College.

What are your responsibilities in your role?

I work with all of our non-biology pre-health students throughout their time at ISU and beyond. I help with any part of their pre-health journey: advise classes, brainstorm shadowing opportunities, talk through stressful experiences, provide encouragement, collaborate with community members, meet with prospective students and alums, help with practice interviews, review personal statements, and more. Whatever our pre-health students need is what I’m here for!

How long have you been an employee at ISU?

I’m starting my fifth year at ISU this year!

What do you love most about working at ISU?

It’s hard to choose! I really enjoy working with students throughout their entire time at ISU. My role allows me to really get to know students over the course of all the ups and downs college brings. I get to help when things are hard and I get to celebrate their successes. There is also a lot of opportunity for collaboration across campus and so many people I work with have become friends outside of work as well.

What is one fact about yourself that might surprise people?

I’ve read 250 books so far this year!

When you’re not working, what are you most likely doing?

Spending time with my family, reading, or working on a DIY project around the house.

What is your favorite spot on campus?

Not on main campus, but I love ISU’s Horticulture Center.   

What quote most inspires you? Why?

To quote my 5-year-old, “You can be brave and scared at the same time.” Not only is it inspiring to see him take his own advice and step outside of his comfort zone, but it also helps remind me not to let fear or anxiety prevent me from doing something. It’s something I tell my students all the time when they are nervous about pursuing particular opportunities—it’s OK to be scared, just do it scared. Don’t let it hold you back.