The Dr. Robert and Marilyn Sutherland Endowment for WGLT was established in 2011 to support the public radio station and its participating students. The endowment offers students funding for creative or educational endeavors, while also supporting the station’s operational costs. Last academic year, the scholarship was awarded to three students: Mary Kloser ’22, Samantha Hill, and Jordan Mead. Each student demonstrated passion and excellence through their involvement with WGLT and sister station WCBU.

Mead, a senior journalism major, attributes her success in educational and journalistic pursuits to receiving the scholarship. In particular, she noted that she is able to study abroad in Granada, Spain, this fall, because of the scholarship. Mead also studies Spanish and prides herself on having the ability to report on individual experiences from people of all backgrounds.

Samantha Hill, a senior audio and music production major, said the scholarship alleviated financial burdens and inspired a sense of confidence in her chosen educational path. Hill found that having creative freedom at WGLT allowed her to find passion
in projects such as producing the All Things Peoria podcast, and finding the perfect music or audio to complement many of the station’s shows.

Hill and Mead spoke highly of the staff at WGLT and expressed pride in their work there.