Library users were welcomed back to Illinois State University’s Milner Library this fall with two brand new study pods on the library’s fifth floor.

This addition has been one of many renovations that took place over the summer. Milner has been consistently modernizing many facets of the space to better suit student needs. Before the start of the fall semester, Milner saw the installation of new carpeting on its first floor, as well as the completion of the tunnel on the west wing of the library next to the grand staircase. This newest addition comes after student requests for private study spaces that can accommodate small groups.  

According to Dallas Long, dean of Milner Library, the student response to the pods’ implementation was unexpectedly immediate. “We installed them in late June, which is typically the library’s least busy time of year,” noted Long. “But right away, students were in them.” 

The pods have a sleek and modern look with many design choices that optimize the studying experience. There are motorized vents in the ceiling that automatically circulate the air every few minutes, allowing for increased sanitation. Despite the glass walls, they are nearly soundproof so that noise from the outside does not leak in. The built-in adjustable lighting allows for increased energy efficiency and better student accommodation.  

Long added that depending on the student response moving forward, there is a possibility of Milner implementing more of these study pods.