Central Illinois will experience a partial solar eclipse on Saturday, October 14, 2023. Learn about eclipses and safely view this incredible event through solar telescopes at the Illinois State University Planetarium.

Activities begin at 10 a.m. with a planetarium show, where we’ll explore moon phases and eclipses of all kinds. Then, join us as we follow the eclipse through the early afternoon using a variety of solar telescopes, weather permitting. This special event is free and open to the public. Seating is limited.

The ISU Planetarium is located in the Felmley Hall of Science Annex, at the intersection of College Avenue and School Street, in Normal. Free parking is available a short distance from the ISU Planetarium in University parking lot F-67, on the east side of School Street.

For more information, please call the ISU Planetarium’s Skyline at (309) 438-5007 or visit the ISU Planetarium website.