Questions for Kirk will happen on the first Friday of each month.

Redbird Esports is excited to announce a new monthly tradition where members of the ISU community and the greater public can submit questions they have about esports at Illinois State University to the Director of Redbird Esports.

By sending their questions in, they have the chance to not only seek answers to their queries but also share their connection to the Redbird Esports community. This opportunity is open to everyone, whether they are directly affiliated with Illinois State University or just fans of the team. This allows students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the broader public to have their questions heard and addressed by someone who plays a crucial role in the Redbird Esports program—Director David Kirk.

Please email David with your questions and include additional information such as name, hometown, major, and role at ISU, if applicable at:

The first issue of this monthly column is expected to be released on February 2. Submit your questions and subscribe to receive the latest issue each month of Questions for Kirk below as well as stay up to date with all things Redbird Esports.