Distinguished Professor Ali Riaz has published two commentaries on press freedom and politics in Bangladesh. In a commentary on the freedom of press titled “How Bangladesh’s Media Freedom Dwindled” published in the news portal The Mirror Asia, Riaz argues that in Bangladesh, like many other places which have experienced democratic erosion and the rise of autocrats, several tactics are used. These include legal and extra-legal measures. As for the legal measures, laws are enacted to take punitive measures within the bounds of law. Besides, media is controlled through ownership by pro-regime business groups. Riaz also underscored the role of media saying that media in Bangladesh have contributed to the erosion of democracy by creating a narrative justifying the actions of the regime.

In a commentary published in the South Asia Perspectives, Riaz discussed “How Sheikh Hasina pulled a non-inclusive election” in Bangladesh. The Bangladesh election held on January 7, 2024, was boycotted by the opposition parties. Riaz writes that the incumbent Bangladesh Awami League (BAL) under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina, adopted four strategies to ensure the victory. These strategies were: Disqualifying the opposition leaders; founding “King’s parties” and trying to split the main opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP); crackdown on the BNP; and weaponizing the judiciary. Besides, the ruling party fielded its own members as independent candidates to provide a semblance of a contested election. Riaz said that some external actors, particularly India, facilitated the process while the United States, which insisted on a free, fair, and inclusive election backtracked in the wake of the election.