Results of the Milner Library Satisfaction Survey are available on Milner Library’s website.    

The survey was distributed in October 2023, and asked about general satisfaction, user confidence completing library-related tasks, amenities, services, library instruction, and collections. Milner Library’s Data Services team developed the survey and received 1,001 full and partial responses. 
Key findings 

High Satisfaction 

Of the respondents, 93.5% indicated they were either very satisfied or satisfied with Milner Library overall. When asked to rate the following statements, the majority strongly agreed or agreed: 

  • I feel welcome at Milner Library: 95.8% strongly agree or agree. 
  • I enjoy spending time at Milner Library: 82.7% strongly agree or agree. 
  • I feel safe at Milner Library: 94.1% strongly agree or agree. 

User Confidence 

Users feel confident accessing books, journal articles, databases, and library guides, asking for help, and using the Milner Library website—more than 70% strongly agreed or agreed in their abilities to do so. 

Milner Amenities 

Nearly three-quarters of the survey respondents were students. Milner Library is often recognized as one of the best places to study on campus. When asked about Milner Library amenities, students expressed satisfaction with the following: 

  • Study spaces: 93% responded they completely or somewhat met their needs. 
  • Study rooms/pods: 76.8% responded they completely or somewhat met their needs. 
  • Printing: 81.5% responded they completely or somewhat met their needs. 

Library Instruction 

Students were asked if a librarian had visited one or more of their classes. Of the students who responded that they had received library instruction, 80% strongly agreed or agreed that they were useful. 

Of the faculty who have invited librarians to their classes, 93% strongly agreed or agreed that the sessions were useful to their students. 


Respondents showed the greatest satisfaction in Milner Library having the databases they needed, followed by (e-)books, journals, and media. Those four questions had combined strongly agree or agree responses from over 65% to nearly 80% of the respondents. In response to campus feedback, Milner Library has significantly expanded collections in the areas of e-books, scholarly journals, and primary source collections. If your needs are not being met, please submit a purchase request form or contact Dr. Rachel Scott

To read the full report, visit the Milner Library Satisfaction Survey dashboard. The dashboard allows for more in-depth examination including sorting by Illinois State classification, college, and by major/department.